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A warm welcome from the Rainbow Goddess

Leila Maskall

DipCNM, DipHealthcoach, mBANT, mCNHC

BANT registered nutritionist, health & lifestyle coach

Hello, my name is Leila, a nutritional therapist and health coach dedicated to educating, supporting and encouraging individuals to achieve their goals on a physical, emotional, spiritual and personal level. Combining my skills in nutrition and health coaching, I will help you get the results you want.​

But here's the thing - I'm not your run-of-the-mill nutritionist! Whilst my nutritional and health expertise is resolutely evidence-based and backed by the latest scientific research, I know that not all things in life can be scientifically proven  - logic alone cannot explain why we exist for example. That is why I also firmly believe in adopting a holistic approach to health care.  What does this mean? Quite simply that you are supported as a whole person taking into account your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. And that is why I also work hand in hand with some of the best professionals in a number of other fields.


My mission is simple: to help you look and feel your best, based on a natural & healthy eating and lifestyle plan.​

Read more about nutritional therapy and me in the section below.​





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About nutritional therapy


Nutritional therapists help individuals to improve and maintain their health and wellbeing through diet,  nutrition and lifestyle changes.  Based on an evidence-based approach, using the latest research in nutrition and health sciences, I will create a bespoke plan for you which incorporates diet and lifestlye tips, together with recommendations for supplements and testing for your long-term wellbeing. This is supported by personalised coaching to help you progress, move forward and overcome any mental or psychological blocks that might have prevented you from achieving your goals in the past. Prior to starting any of my programmes, I strongly advise my clients to have a comprehensive blood test - think of it as a sort of "MOT" for humans, which provides a snapshot of your current health and wellbeing.

Leila - better known as the Rainbow Goddess

 4 questions you're burning to ask!

 Why are you called the Rainbow Goddess?​​


The rainbow symbolises new beginnings, hope and transformation - a chance to start over. What could be more fitting for a health and wellbeing expert? My vocation is to help others make positive changes to their lives, not only from a nutritional point of view, but in all aspects, so that they are able to optimise their overall health and wellbeing, and ultimately their happiness and fulfilment.  

The colours of the rainbow also represent diversity - a wonderful reflection of what I believe is the key to healthy eating - it's not without reason that we urge people to eat a rainbow of fruit and vegetables! Need inspiration? Check out my recipe for my multi-coloured version of ratatouille.


What made you want to become a nutritional therapist?


It may sound like a cliché but I wanted to make a difference, no matter how small. I'd been a yo-yo dieter myself for many years and know how soul-destroying it can be to search for the "right diet" - there's so much conflicting information out there. I wanted to find out the truth about sustainable weight loss and healthy living, based on scientific evidence. So I enrolled on a 3-year nutrition course in London which taught me so many things. And that was just the start...


After qualifying, I began by helping those closest to me. My mum had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes twenty or so years earlier. She was given tablets to take every day, and then when they were having no effect, had to inject insulin into herself twice daily. I was convinced I could do something for her. I sat down and devised a nutritional plan based on what I had learnt. As Pascal, my husband, and I were mum's carers, we were in charge of preparing all her meals. The results were mind-blowing. Even I didn't think we could turn things around so radically or so fast. Within 3 months, she needed less insulin. By 6 months, she was off it completely! Her GP was delighted. You can't imagine how happy and proud I felt. It made those three hard years of study worthwhile. I now have proof how powerful nutrition is. 






My mum who sadly passed away aged 92 in December 2022





I have many other stories like my mum's and each time there is a positive change, it gives me such a buzz.



What qualifications/accreditations do you have?


I graduated from the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in London and am now a fully qualified nutritional therapist and health coach. I am also a member of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) (find out more on and registered with the Complementary & Healthcare Council (CNHC) (the independent UK regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners with government support to protect the public).

Therefore, I believe I have the tools and knowledge needed to help you achieve your health goals, whether that means losing a few pounds, boosting your energy levels or managing your type 2 diabetes better.  


How do you support your clients?


I offer three main services: 


  • one-2-one consultations (both face to face and online), including a personalised 12-week  programme

  • online courses

  • talks & events


Have a look at the services page for more details.


Clients who are not quite sure which programme/course would suit them best can also book a 30-minute taster session with me at a small cost. This includes ​some initial tips and advice and where I explain how my programmes work. You can book this here

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