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Module 2 - Fitness & Wellbeing

Image by Nick Morrison

This module is a 4-week course, totalling approximately 40 hours of study time. 

The module consists of 20 lessons - 5 per week - all lasting approximately 2 hours. So that means that there will be about 10 hours of learning each week.

Upon successful completion of the module, the Rainbow Goddess will send you a Certificate of Achievement.

Total cost: £250

Below are the topics included in this module (provisional). Each lesson is designed to make learning fun and engaging. If you are stuck at any point or do not understand something, the Rainbow Goddess is available every Monday morning between 10 am and 11 am (UK time) in an online chat to answer your questions.

Unit 1 (week 1)

Day 1 - Aerobics / Dance workouts

Day 2 - HIIT 

Day 3 - Weights / Barbell 

Day 4 - Jogging / Running

Day 5 - Circuit training

Image by Gabin Vallet

Unit 2 (week 2)

Day 1 - Yoga/Pilates

Day 2 - Epsom Salts

Day 3 - Swimming / Water aerobics

Day 4 - Walking

Day 5 - Stretching

Image by Haley Phelps

Unit 3 (week 3)

Day 1 - Mental/emotional health

Day 2 - Flower therapy

Day 3 - EFT

Day 4 - Iridology

Day 5 - Aromatherapy 

Aromatic Oil

Unit 4 (week 4)

Day 1 - Reflexology / Massage

Day 2 - Acupuncture / TCM

Day 3 - Herbal Medicine

Day 4 - Ayurveda

Day 5 - Chiropractics / Osteopathy

Acupuncture old book
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